Crest Cottage Creations

Food, Family, and Fun in our little cottage…

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Yummy Easy Peanut Butter Cookies

Apparently I am jumping back into the swing of things by making lots of desserts.  Up this time?  Peanut Butter Cookies.  
I can’t believe how east these cookies were.  I decided at around 9:15 at night that I Had. To. Have. Cookies.  I didn’t have any butter defrosted, and there wasn’t much left in the fridge.  That severely limited the cookie choices I had.  I started with this recipe and went from there. 
First, I combined a cup of my home made peanut butter, a little less than 3/4 of a cup of turbadino sugar, an egg, a tsp baking soda, and a splash of vanilla in a bowl.  
 Then, I mixed it together.
Third?  Rolled it into little balls.
Lastly, I baked it at 375* until they looked done.
The verdict?  They filled a need, but they weren’t amazing.  I think the sugar needed to be more finely ground.  And I needed less of it in the cookies.  On the plus side, they were quick and easy and used very few ingredients.  With a few more tweaks, they will be a great quick snack!

This post was shared on Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays!