Crest Cottage Creations

Food, Family, and Fun in our little cottage…

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Kids Can Cook: French Toast

Kids Can Cook: French Toast

Jemma has been cooking with me for a looooong time.  We started when she was a toddler, and now at 3, she can do quite a few things on her own.  One of our favorite things to make for a quick weekday breakfast is “French Toast.”  I put it in quotes, because we don’t do a custard.  We keep it simple, but it is pretty good.

The most basic version is just eggs cracked and beaten with a pinch of salt and a splash of water to help it mix.  Sometimes we add vanilla, maple, or cinnamon but on busy mornings it is just the basics.  Then we dip the bread into the eggs, throw them on the griddle, flip, and eat.

Jemma helps by:

  • Cracking the eggs
  • Mixing the eggs
  • Dipping the bread
  • Placing the bread on the griddle
  • Helping flip (I still help with this one)
  • Putting it on the plate
  • Bringing the plate, utensils, napkins, fruits, and maple syrup to the table.
Jemma Cracking Eggs

Jemma Cracking Eggs

Jemma mixing eggs

Jemma mixing eggs

Jemma dipping bread

Jemma dipping bread

Sneaking a bite!

Sneaking a bite! ( By the way, princess dresses and sequin bows make it taste MUCH better!)

Cooking it up!

Cooking it up!

Jemma flipping

Jemma flipping



Honestly, this is one of the most hands-off breakfasts for me.  I’m basically there to remind her of safety and to keep her on task.  She loves helping and it is one of her favorite dishes!

What about you?  Do you have any helpers in the kitchen?  Any other ways she can help out?

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A Fresh Start

It has been a long time since I have shared anything here.  Life got in the way, and this just became another thing on the to-do list.  Now, three years later, I realized how much I missed it.  So many things have changed, and I’m sure I will be sharing that as time goes on.  Now, I am just happy to be back.

So, what’s next for me, and Crest Cottage Creations?

Well, expect lots of edible creations, of course!  Some featuring a fantastic little cook-in-training…


I’ll also be sharing tidbits about our lives.  Since we last spoke, we added another little one to the crew.

Baby J

As our family grows, I’m learning as much as the kids!  I’d love to share the ups, downs, lessons, and wins while I work out the tough stuff.  After all, creations come in all shapes, sizes, and forms.

I’m excited to be creating, sharing, and learning again.  I hope you will be along for the ride!

whole family